Saturday 23 March 2013

Serendipity And The Energy of Social Media: Blog 68

Good Saturday morning!

This isn't actually my nose
have always loved following my nose, which I have to admit is quite big. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that some of my friends and colleagues might even go so far as to call me nosey - I rather like to think they mean more benignly, curious. 

Years ago on an Arc team retreat in Frinton we did the Meredith Belbin management team roles theory exercise and I discovered, not to my surprise that one of my identified roles was an off the scale 'Resource Investigator' aka nosey or curious.

(NB.if you don't already know Belbin Team Role Theory - its worth a trip out to

Sorry - this is random google! I just loved it
Definition: The Resource Investigator gives a team a rush of enthusiasm at the start of the project by vigorously pursuing contacts and opportunities. He or she is focused outside the team, and has a finger firmly on the pulse of the outside world. Where a Plant creates new ideas, a Resource Investigator will quite happily appropriate them from other companies or people. A good Resource Investigator is a maker of possibilities and an excellent networker but has a tendency to lose momentum towards the end of a project and to forget small details.

Mmmm - with any of these things, psychometric testing, horoscopes - any of it, we need to proceed with caution as its very easy to get seduced, flattered or even demotivated by descriptions of ourselves. For example I always like to think I am better on detail than I actually am, but fortunately I am surrounded by a number of 'completer-finishers' who cover for me on that weakness!

One of the most useful things about Belbin however is that its about playing to your perceived strengths in a team. The downside can be that you might then relinquish any responsibility for areas that aren't as strong for you which in turn could stunt growth and possibility. Its very useful stuff but does come with a health warning to proceed with caution and not to get stuck. In my book all these things are useful and have a part to play as long as you don't think you have found the Holy Grail (Unless you have of course, in which case could you kindly point me in its direction!)

Yesterday was a primary example of my positives and negatives as an RI. After a lovely coffee with some friends staying at the Strand Palace Hotel I had two cancelled meetings, which meant I had to get back to the proposal writing part of my job and I have a lot stacking up to write. Its not that I don't like writing them, its just that I prefer the people-having-ideas-together bit more! And its one area of potential procrastination in a decisive life. If I don't do them too we will all end up hard up at Arc! 

When I got back home to work quietly on the proposal, I did the usual pencil sharpening activities. This time it included a check in on all my social media platforms. I do love them, but then I would wouldn't I? I love meeting people and the apparent randomness of chance conversations that can often lead to unexpected joys and indeed new projects. So whether in the physical or virtual world I am happy doing that. You see I am even doing it here. 

I noticed I had a new Twitter follower who has a film making company.We did the usual courteous hellos and thank you for following mes, and then I returned to write my proposal for a 4 part online mini-soap opera. I realised that it was 4pm on a Friday afternoon and I needed a quote for fees from a film company. I have worked with a number, but as this new one just happened to tweet me this afternoon I thought it worth a chat. And R** and I had a good call although with the usual reception gremlins familiar to all of us on the go. Its resulted in our agreement to meet this morning at Teddington Studios to look at the possibility of Green screen CGI for the project and to see if we like each other's work.This means hopefully that I am now on the way to getting this proposal done over the weekend. Don't want to predict the outcome though as sometimes we follow our nose up a blind alley!

Not quite sure what I draw as a conclusion from today's rather eclectic post, although serendipity raised its wonderful head as it so often does! I am sure all will become clearer in due course.

Have a lovely weekend.

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